Friday, July 14, 2006

I have found out that the most viable experience is personal experience. This is not to say that one must learn only from his or her experience. Anyone who thinks so has a long learning curve ahead of him and that fellow may well remain in dumbsville. I have had experience with debt and its related effects. I have been broke, busted and disgusted. I’ve been insulted, embarrassed, condemned and along the way have come to understand debt and how it operates. Above all this I have come to know the sure fire way and mindset needed to get and stay out of debt. This applies to any kind of debt, be it credit card debts, mortgage payments, bank overdrafts, etc.
I am David, welcome to my corner. As we go along I will try to put on paper the things I have found out on the nature of debt and its effects. I do not expect you to agree with everything I say but there is one thing I know and that is if you are in debt you will agree with most of the things concerning how debt operates. I will also show you how to get out of debt using the same steps I did. Everything disclosed here is based on personal experience. I will be introducing more insights every week so do keep a date. For this week I want us to trace how debt comes about, how it gets hold of an individual. We will look at not just the causes, as there could be a thousand and one causes/reasons but how does this thing called “debt” take over or tries to take over ones’ life

What is Debt and how does it come?
The two Oxford Advanced Learner’s dictionary definition of debt that is of relevance are:
A sum of money owed to somebody that has not yet been paid.
Owing money especially when one cannot pay.

I must confess that the above definitions do not do justice to the nature of debt. Debt is servitude, is being at the mercy of your creditors. Your not being able to talk when they magnify themselves against you, should you by chance be indebted to individuals or so called friends. In the case of organizations like the credit card companies, its your being in a trap they do not want you to get out of. Much as this is a true picture of the state and effect of debt, it does not reveal the true origin or if you prefer, does not show where the bait is first sprung. I believe understanding this and working towards correcting the origin will lead to a lasting solution.
The first step to getting out is to become aware that you are responsible for what has happened, you decided, you made the choices. Please forget the reasons, there are always reasons but remember every action sets off a reaction, its attendant effect. And believe me no matter what the “challenge” is, it is always better, cheaper, faster to weather the storm. I have been there and know it!
The first trickle that leads to the ocean called debt starts with the first money that is borrowed. It was the most ideal thing to do, it looked so much like the perfect solution but like a Christian sticker on a friend’s car that says “Satan offers sinful pleasures, but covers the price tag”, there is always a price. You start from one, to another, to another, to another….. Before you know it becomes a habit. It becomes the first solution that comes to mind when you are facing any financial challenge. What you don’t know is you are creating a habit. There is a saying that goes this way “sow an act and you reap a habit, sow a habit and you reap a character, sow a character and you reap a destiny” This is so true.
If you are already in the debt character I must advise you do what I did. Just like a drug addict that wants to treat himself would do take the “cold turkey” treatment! Do it now! Of course there would be withdrawal symptoms and all hell would break lose, let it. Believe me I’ve seen things I can’t even say because you will probably think I’m loco, but just stand on your resolve and it will come out alright.
Thank you for reading this far, if this has been of some benefit to you kindly refer it to
a friend. It’s about time more people get out of debt. Next week I will discuss on “how to stand on your resolve and what to do while standing”
Make it a date!.
