Sunday, October 01, 2006

If there is one thing I have learnt concerning being in debt, that is it wont go away until you really do something about it. After this piece I would appreciate your contribution on this matter I believe there is someone out there who together we can be able to x-ray the issue of debt and lay a blueprint or guide on the way to get out of debt.
If you are going through some debt heat right now and you want to know how to get financial freedom for yourself then lets know the challenge you are facing and who knows someone out there have been through something similar. I’ve always believed that two good heads are better than one.
Last time I talked about not letting yourself to be pressured into doing the wrong things. I want to explain that here. Say you have $1000 and you are in debt for $1200, you pay $1000 to balance $200 right? Dead wrong! If you keep doing things like that you will never get out of debt. You must have money to invest that would earn you more income, you must settle your most pressing family needs like feeding and all the things that go along with that then have something to reinvest especially for those without jobs or having home based businesses.
Believe me it is even to the interest of your creditor that you do it this way because with this he is assured of continuous payments until all is cleared, rather than a one shot fly by night payment and after that you don’t know when and how the next one is coming from. This is one of the reason/ rationales for debt consolidation
Debt consolidation is a good thing but like I said you have to read the small print. Some debt consolidation companies might just make sure you don’t get out of debt
Becoming financially free is something that everybody should be and I believe it is something that is achievable with the right attitude and mindset.
I hope to discuss more on the above next week but first let me hear from you, what is the challenge you are facing in getting out of debt

. It’s your call…. .
